
Hello! I am a Biomedical Engineering graduate, who has decided that… engineering is NOT FOR ME. I am pursuing the entrepreneurial route in a whole different field. I cannot wait to share with you all my exciting, stressful, tumultous, yet highly-rewarding journey.

My mission is to inspire others to be the best versions of themselves and to encourage others to follow their hearts and dreams. To give a short backstory: After graduating in May of 2022, I had an engineering contract and two engineering jobs, with the contract finished in 6 months, the first job being fired for social media (that was mainly my fault, nothing inappropriate though fyi!) and the second job, I left after only a month; in short, pretty crazy!

I am currently navigating the path of my career, and the anticipation of where this journey will lead me fills me with excitement. I sincerely hope that you enjoy not only my blog posts but connect with me on my other social media platforms.

I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed day, and remember, this is your telenovela too. Do it for the plot.

Love, Isabella Bianca